F4 skin editor 1.5 ================== This is a very simplistic program. It attempts to rewire the database files so that your image is used in place of the standard one. There are several caveats (warnings!) about this. 1) Don't blame me if things go wrong and trash the F4 program. Oh and don't blame Microprose either. I have no connection formal or informal with the falcon4 team or Microprose, so this is a best effort effort. 2) I've attempted to catch most errors, but I'm sure there are some that will slip though. This is the first release - it will have bugs and restrictions. Consider yourself a beta tester. 3) This program overwrites bytes in the database files. This can certainly mess things up, if I've got it wrong! So - ask yourself one question - how badly do you want to edit these things? (And do you feel lucky - punk :-) ) 4) I'm testing this on 1.07 - your mileage may be lethal on other versions! OK, so you've read the scare stories, now - how to run it. a) Go to the falcon4\terrdata\objects directory. b) Copy KoreaObj.HDR and KoreaObj.TEX to somewhere safe. (You could just copy and paste them - you'll end up with "Copy of KoreaObj.HDR") c) Select properties on the above files, and turn off the read-only bit if it is set. The files won't modify otherwise... and the program won't start up. d) Extract the bitmap and save it. e) Check the bitmap is the one you expect (e.g., with the tail art of Virginia). f) Edit the bitmap - but do not change the palette colours. The same palette will be used for the image as the original at present (thats a bigger change). g) Store the bitmap back in with set button. You might be set to run then. If things blow up - copy back the saved files to restore. I did mention that bit didn't I? Oh - and the KoreaObj.TEX will grow without limit if you keep adding images - so might be worth restoring the original .TEX and .HDR from time to time anyway. Changes ======= These are the changes since 1.3 version o Palette matching and checking code added in. Means you can if you are careful use alternate palettes. This does not mean arbitrary palettes - only those supported by the game. I am not sure this will actually work for all images (such as cockpits) but then feint heart never won a trashed system. Unless you like experimenting, stick with the palette you are given. These are the changes since 1.1 version o The save and restore file dialogs now attempt to preview the bitmap. o Some more objects that you can change have been added in. Palette information =================== The following are the first objects using the given palettes Object Palette 0 0 8 1 11 2 17 3 23 4 26 5 27 6 32 7 33 8 39 9 240 10 1232 11 1234 12 1276 13